Stream Configuration File Format

The CAM Stream Configuration (CSC) file contains human readable settings used for the deployment phase of a critical application in the CAM project.

Files should use the extension .csc.yml.

Header Section

The file format uses Yaml <> data serialization language version 1.2.

Configuration files should explicitly indicate the version using the YAML directive before the document contents:

%YAML 1.2

The mapping node is used to determine what file format version the file is compatible with. This document is specifies the version “1.0”.

cam_stream_conf_version: "1.0"

Metadata block

The metadata block collection describes the target stream using two mappings:

  uuid: "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
  name: "Stream name is up to 63 characters long"

The uuid string is used to uniquely identify the stream and must follow the exact format (36 characters including 4 hyphens) as the example shown. This file format does not enforce any UUID variant. UUIDs are used as opaque data values to ensure streams are uniquely identified.

The name field is used to give the stream a textual name and might be present in logs. It is only used for convenience and it is not used to uniquely identify the stream. The configuration file may use utf-8 encoding for the stream name and should not be longer than 63 characters.

State control block

The state_control block collection is used to specify stream state timeouts. The values must be unsigned integers (32-bit) representing microseconds.

  timeout_init_to_start: 300000
  timeout_start_to_event: 450000

The timeout_init_to_start mapping specifies the timeout between the stream init and the stream start messages. Zero indicates no timeout.

The timeout_start_to_event mapping specifies the timeout between the stream start and the first stream event message in microseconds. Must not be zero.

Event alarms block

The event_alarms is a block sequence containing one or more mappings that identify each alarm in the stream.

- event_id: 0
  mode: 0
  timeout: 3500105

The event_id mapping is an unsigned integer (16-bit) which specifies the event within the stream. Must start from 0 and increments by one without any gaps.

The mode mapping specifies the alarm mode. There are 3 possible alarm modes, both the string and the integer values are allowed:

  • "ondemand_from_arrival" or 0

  • "ondemand_from_app" or 1

  • "periodic" or 2

The timeout mapping is an unsigned integer (32-bit) value which specifies the timeout.


Here is an example .csc.yml file with three event alarms:

%YAML 1.2
cam_stream_conf_version: "1.0"
  uuid: "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"
  name: "Stream name is up to 63 characters long"
  timeout_init_to_start: 300000
  timeout_start_to_event: 450000
- event_id: 0
  mode: "ondemand_from_arrival"
  timeout: 3500105
- event_id: 1
  mode: 1
  timeout: 3500205
- event_id: 2
  mode: "periodic"
  timeout: 3500305